Seat Map WestJet Bombardier Q400 (DH4)
Airplane Bombardier Q400 (DH4) WestJet with 2 classes and 78 seats on board. Use airplane seat map to find which ones are more comfortable and which should be avoided.

Seating details
Class | Pitch | Width | Row | Seats |
Economy Premium Standard seat | 310 | 17 | 1-3 | 10 |
Economy Standard seat | 300 | 17 | 4-20 | 68 |
No one seat is better than any other onboard. They all have the same personal space, except for maybe the emg exits.
Flew reverse flight week before. This flight almost two hours into the wind Deicing rules in effect. Too long a flight for this type of plane. But it’s only way WestJet flies from YQT, so there it is.
Flight was fine for the short journey.Information messages weren’t easy to understand as they were rushed and garbled. The staff at the gate were pleasant and helpful. The gate was a very long walk from my international arrival gate
The coffee service on this plane is just a packet of instant powder with a cup of hot water. Get yourself a cup before you board.
Luckily Westjet upgraded us to Premium and we didn't pay... because there is no way that it is worth it to pay for Premium. There is no noticeable extra space, seats are exactly the same other than a 'Plus' logo on the headrest, and since it was only a 49 minute flight, we were given a bottle of water... before taxiing... because the plane was waiting on another passenger. Cramped plane, cramped seats. I'd rather fly on the old Dash8 than this new Q400.
We are traveling together and waited until 24 hrs before our flight to try to pick seats. We were assigned seats 19C and 19D which on the opposite side of the plane. We tried to get seats 16 but when we did after the 24 wait WestJet wanted to charge us $56 so have had to take what was given to us. Will try tomorrow to see if we can sit together. Hope we get better seats on our flight home on a 737.
I have to upgrade to premium in order to be able to choose a seat now? Why?? Customer service slowly sinking into the abyss! Service!? And really seat recline? I hate having someone's face in my lap for 4 hours.
This seat was listed as "Economy Plus". I have never had a more uncomfortable flight, and I fly regularly to offshore rigs in a helicopter. There was no extra leg room. If anything it was more cramped. The seat was extremely narrow, and I had to squeeze myself in between the armrests and use a seatbelt extension. This added to the fact that I am tall (6'3") and had to lean toward the poor passenger in the seat next to me in order to follow the contour of the cabin. The leg room was also reduced due to the same curvature of the cabin. This flight was ridiculously cramped, and I am not small by any means, but I fly regularly in all types of aircraft, including Air Canada's Q400s, without any of these issues. My first and last trip on a West Jet Q400.
Was up front but was very loud but still was a good flight crew was awesome very friendly
I found the seat quite comfortable. and enjoyed the fact that it was close to the doors when it was time to exit the plane.
This seat is good, comfortable and reasonably quiet. I transferred off a Westjet 737-700 aircraft, and this seat was more comfortable that the 737. For the recline, the seat slides forward a bit as the back reclines, so it feels more comfortable, and it does not encroach as much on the person behind you. The seats are thin, which means that at 30" pitch, they seem better that the same pitch in the 737 with thicker seats. It is narrow at 17", but that seems to be the normal now. My flight was all of 35 minutes, so the seat was comfortable for that length of flight. I also took the Westjet Link Saab 340b on the way home, and I don't think you realize how quiet this Q400 plane is until you try an aircraft that sounds like industry machinery. Sit near the back, away from the prop engines, and you'll enjoy the quiet. This is the best prop plane I have flown. I do agree with one of the other comments, in that the Air Canada version of this plane has good seats too, with an inch more pitch.
The Q400 is a great evolution of the Dash 8 designs, safe and efficient. However, Westjet has configured these planes so tightly, that unless you are 5'4" sitting in the window seat will be a claustrophobic event. For some reason, the seats also recline, so if that happens you have about 4" for your head. Forget opening the seat back tray. Avoid if you can.
This seat did not have extra legroom due to the proximity of the bulkhead. If anything I had less legroom than other seats.
Faster and quieter than older Dash 8's, but WestJet uses awful seats in their Q400's. Air Canada's are much better.
These planes are best avoided if you want a comfortable flight. Had really hoped that Bombardier could revamp the old Dash 8 which was notorious for noise and rattles. The Q400 is brighter with LED lighting but the seats are worse, and the prop noise remains. The seats would appear to have 1/2" or less padding, and feels like sitting on a plastic stacking chair. I used to book Westjet to get the 737 and avoid these planes, but WestJet has now stooped to these as well, so it adds an extra dimension to route planning. If you wanted to experience the airline equivalent of subway car travel - you have found it! :)
Very pleasant aircraft. We were in front of the engines and had a great view from the windows. Seat cushion was a little hard but ok for a 1hr 45 minute flight. Westjet is great to fly with.
Rear seats are likely the best on these flights. Quieter than front seats, and closer to the drink carts (first served). I can't see why WJ thinks the front seats are worth the "plus" charge. The overhead bins are not tall enough, so trying to get a roller bag in required some pushing (wheels first helped). Beware the window seats, they have limited legroom due to the curvature of the plane (my legs ached after only a 55 min flight), and the seats seemed more narrow than the WJ 737's (I'm like 'Flat Stanley', so wasn't much of an issue, the thin, single armrest in the middle of the seats was more annoying).
I had the window seat near the end of the plane. The seats in the rear are quieter than the seats at the front, and don't have the issues of a lavatory right there (I can't see how WJ can sell "plus" seats at the front when its noisier). We were served drinks very early in the flight due to the carts being in the rear (another unpaid plus). I found it much quieter and than other Dash 8 style aircraft I've been on before (AC Q300 comes to mind, a shaky, noisy mess). Only issue was the curve at the window seat that limited foot space, as well as the vibrations while taxiing. My legs were begin to ache after only a 55 minute flight.
The seats in this bird are terribly narrow. Taxiing is bumpy at best. The interior trim is quite nice, however, if you're not skinny, these seats fit like a bad pair of leather pants! On the bright side, service was great as always!
This was my return trip form Toronto I moved up 2 rows less vibration and not as loud. Both flights were very smooth, I actually enjoy these Turboprops more then the Airbus.