Seat Map Hawaiian Airlines Airbus A321neo

- Wireless entertainment system
- AC Power outlets
Seating details
Class | Pitch | Width | Row | Seats |
Business Class Recliner | 390 | 21 | 1-4 | 16 |
Economy Extra Standard seat | 35 | 17.3 | 11-14, 16-17, 33-35 | 44 |
Economy Standard seat | 30 | 17.30 | 15-46 | 129 |
There is an air conditioning outlet at the feet of the passenger and it makes it overbearingly cold.
Flight from Sacramento to HNL, which I've been flying on this airline for about 20 years. I much prefer the older Boeing plane to this narrow, low-ceilinged A321neo. Seats were narrow and uncomfortable. The poor woman next be to me tried her best to not overhang over into my seat space, and we both flew with our arms crossed for over 5 hours to avoid touching shoulders. There was no entertainment system; rather there was an empty hole in the seat-backs where you presumably insert your own tablet or phone. The whole plane reeks of cheap, cost-cutting measures, which ticks me off as I know the company is expanding its fleet and routes on the backs of its long-time customers.
This seat was uncomfortable for the 5 hour flight from Honolulu to Sacramento. No lumbar support, narrow, not enough seat cushion. Aisle is narrow, plane was too cold (blankets for purchase only, so bring your own).They've crammed too many seats onto this narrow-bodied plane. Food was subpar; best to bring your own snacks.
The overhead next to the escape door is very low and the seat cramped. This should not be "extra comfort." Hawaiian bought cheap seats for these planes that are hard and uncomfortable. They are switching back to Boeing 737s which should be much more comfortable, assuming they aren't Max.
My first flight on This airplane. The seats are thinly padded and left me with sore bottom and back. First class recliners do not recline very much and there is a foot rest that belongs on a motorcycle. The airplane is noisy and to me feels cheap. I don't like this airplane and if I didn't have so many miles invested in HA I doubt I would fly this again.
This seat is horrible if you are tall or have some width to you. The bulkhead seam runs right next to where your shoulder is. This may cause you to lean into the person sitting to the right of you. There is no window. I fly to Oahu every three months and would never pay extra to sit in this seat again. On the other side of the isle the 16j has the opposite problems. Your right shoulder is pushed into the bulkhead seam and the person to the left of you gets to be uncomfortable for 5 hours and 10 minutes in the air.
Nunca había sentido un vuelo tan aburrido como este, el entretenimiento es pésimo y hay que pagar $7 para poder ver películas, no tiene pantallas solo lo puede hacer si lleva una tablet, compu o smartphone , de lo contrario no podrá ver nada. Hay que pagar por todo incluyendo la almohada y las brazada, los asientos se reclinan muy poco como una pulgada.
Extremely disappointed with this aircraft but understand why HA went away from twin isle 767..cost and revenue ha? Not sure if there's a industry standard on # passengers vs # toilets. In the main cabin, there are 3 for 173 (if full) passengers. the middle toilets do not have room for passengers to pass fwd or aft so people are waiting 2 - 3 deep. Felt bad for the passengers seated right in front or behind the mid-toilets. First Class service sucked! Flight attendants need to go with JAL or ANA for training....
The Neo seats on Hawaiian are thinly padded so I am sore at the end of 5+ hour flight, even after getting up often. The so-called extra comfort seats are narrow too. Hawaiian has cancelled its order for more Neos and is getting the latest 737 iteration instead after the CEO abruptly left to go work for Airbus. Think about that.
I sat in this seat for a rather turbulent flight to Maui. The legroom is beyond that of a regular extra comfort seat, but the arm rests were stationary, and even though my hips are rather narrow, it felt quite confining. Additionally, there was only a 6" porthole instead of any kind of window in this whole row.
This aircraft flexes side-to-side aft of the wings so if you are prone to motion sickness, think about trying to get a seat over or in front of the wing. Hawaiian -- which I was told bought 19 of these because they are fuel-efficient -- should refit to fewer seats and more pitch. There is NO legroom and I am 5'1"
Airlines most often board (only) through the entry at the front of the plane. The single aisle in the neo is so narrow that carry-ons and passengers have no recourse but to bump and grind into seats at the front; "Extra Comfort" is the worst, followed by "Economy" - but even First Class is a bummer.
This is listed and sold as "Extra Comfort," however, the only thing this seat has over normal seats is leg room. The wall is a large door with just a tiny pinhole window in it, and there is no armrest on the window side of the seat. It is too far from the wall to really lean on as well. The seat is rather uncomfortable. Had I not been "upgraded" to this seat (I did not pay for it), I would have been very unhappy. This really should not be considered "Extra Comfort."
the seat doesn't really recline and the foot rest is on the chair in front of you rather than an extension of your own seat. the window seat has the added 3 inches of stretch space for your elbow or foot. USB and pronged electric plugs available in the middle arm rest.
Nice new aircraft, much more cheery interior than Americans A321s. Only did a short hop LIH-HNL, seats have USB power although the tablet holder seams a bit cheaply made.