Схема салона Embraer E145 (ER4) United

Характеристики салона
Класс | Шаг | Ширина | Ряд | Кол-во |
Эконом Экстра Стандартное сиденье | 38 | 17-20 | 1, 3, 18 | 6 |
Эконом Стандартное сиденье | 31 | 17-20 | 2-24 | 44 |
Overhead storage is only above the 2-seat side (not above my seat) and really can only store purses, small backpacks, briefcase, etc. They automatically gate check all other normally sized carry ons for free, so don't spend the extra money to check your carry on. beforehand I know I am a bigger guy but the seat belts are really short and I could barely lock it in. Suck in your gut, pull it tight, and pull hard! I could store my laptop bag under the seat in front of me but it was a tight squeeze. I would avoid seat 1A unless you have no carry on at all since there is no where in front of your seat to store it. You have to travel back to the overhead storage in row 3 which can be a logistical nightmare when people are boarding and getting off the plane.
All the comments about the uncomfortable aspects of the seats are correct. I flew this from EWR to STL and at 2 and 1/2 hours it was not a pleasant experience, even though I'm hardly a large person (5'10", 170 lbs). United needs to find a better way to make a profit than cramming customers into these flying sardine cans. Service was decent, with free snacks and drinks, but the overall experience isn't fun.
Flew this from PNS to IAH, so about a 1.5 hour flight. I've flown on about 20 different aircraft models, and this is my least-favorite. The single seats on the seat map look enticing; I'm 5' 10'' and around 220 lbs, and I found the seat to be pretty narrow. That being said: the flight attendant was VERY friendly and the view was excellent, so those aspects helped make up for it.
Very comfortable plant; lots leg room comfortable seats.
Seat pitch is supposedly 31" which must be a lie, because my stomach was pressing against the tray. Extremely loud in this row of the aircraft, even my Bose Quiet Comfort II noise cancelling headphones couldn't mute the noise. Seat was hard. All I could do is count the minutes until I was off this plane. Hands down the worst plane I've ever flown in. No frills, no nothing on this plane. Warning! If you see this aircraft in the itinerary, book a different flight with a different aircraft.
This seat is so small. It is nice that you don't have a neighbor but the way the side of the plane curves in reduces your foot space significantly if you have long legs like I do. Overall, this is a very small plane so small seats are expected but this was particularly small.
Gotta admit... wasn't a bad seat. Sure, the plane is borderline claustrophobic, but all in all... it's a nice ride. Plenty of leg room for economy (I was worried, TBH). The seat was a comfortable width, and I need to lose 30 lbs. My complaint, as others have mentioned, it's HOT in the back. And, noisy! The air vents were acceptable, but not adjustable. Fortunately, the seat next to me was empty. So, I could place my wrist up on the vent to cool off. That woulda seriously ticked off the person there, had it been taken. As someone else mentioned, you can raise the arm rests (all of them). That helped during my few moments of anxiety. Would I ride it again? Yeah. Probably. But would dress VERY casually, and beg forgiveness to my neighbor, if I had to stick my arm in their face to cool off. Of course, this is all standby. So, there's that. :-) Bottom line... was pleasantly surprised.
However, don't take my word for this EMB 135/140/145's airplane's comfort as a 40 yrs. + professional airline pilot. All of these seats with the exception of the emergency exit rows are uncomfortable. Experience it for yourself's and your lower back! If you don't already have issues.
As you can see on chart, I was seated in the pink/bad seat. 24 A. At least single and window nut only because two ladies together were seperated, so we switched seats. The must have been after me, since not even seated together. In front of restroom toilet. No recline, no leg room. Very small, cramped but when seated it is better than when you first get on (claustrophobic). In past flights turbulence into Newark was scary! I was not accustomed to it. Last few flights were fine. One was very smooth landing. Attendants were fine. What else to say, it's small but only a 2 1/2 hour flight. I just had the worse seat on that plane, so....
This is an emergency row Economy Plus seat. There is sufficent legroom (Im 60), and a lttle known secret is that the window armrests can be raised by pushing the button on the underside of the armrest far back by the hinge, which mades the seat feel noticeably wider.
After submitting a post flight review OR a survey that United e-mailed out, I said how could you dare continue to use this preposterous equipment? No less, a 3 + 09 hrs/min flight, MKE-IAH? The most uncomfortable economy seats on the EMB-145 regional jet! I highly recommend AVOIDING these airplanes if you can unless for under 1 hrs. flight time. If you don't have physical problems like your lower back you will eventually get them riding on this junk for comfort. Horrible airplane, period.
I'm a petite woman and I found the seat very uncomfortable. Don't know how a 6 foot man can stand it. In addition, I'm a long time business traveler, and I have never been on a filthier plane. There was so much "stuff" along the wall touching my seat--peanuts, scum, green goo and god knows what. I tried not to touch the wall at all. It's not as if they just missed the last cleaning. That plane hadn't been cleaned in weeks. I was so disgusted I took a picture of it and sent it to United. They at least were kind enough to refund what I had paid to "upgrade" to this seat. I will never fly this plane again if I can possibly avoid it.
For short flights, 2 hours or less, I recommend any seat on this aircraft except row 11. This is in front of the emergency exit window row and does NOT recline. That said: Row 18 is the emergency exit row and while the seat recline is minimal (a few degrees at best) the leg room is outstanding. I would NOT want to spend more than 2 hours in this aircraft.
This is an economy plus seat that has very little legroom due to the bulkhead. The standard economy seats may have less pitch but have far more legroom. In flight, the FA noticed my apparent discomfort and was kind enough to offer me an available standard economy seat.
This was and the one next to it were the last two available for a reason. The guy infront of me reclined and was literally 6" from my face. I am 6'4" so i am never comfortable, but this seat was something else.
Flew on this version on 12/20 PWM to IAD. Flight was changed and did not get the seat originally booked. 19D is a terrible seat! VERY HIGH noise level and not very comfortable. My Tinnitus is out of control as a result. To add insult to injury had to exit plane at IAD by going down very steep steps.
The seat is adequate in comfort for short 1hr flights, the aisleway is INADEQUATE as it will not allow the passage of bags that United clears for transport in the cabin! They hit every seat and must be lifted off the floor to pass! I am disabled and lifting is a danger to my health. I cannot anylonger fly United to Columbia from Washington DC on this aircraft.
This plane is tiny and may be ok for 30 minute flights, but United regularly use it for 2.5 hour flights from Portland, Maine ('pwm) to Chicago (ord). It is completely unacceptable to anyone pushing 6 feet for slightly overweight. This planes are actually operated by "GoJet" even though they are branded United. The are flipped at the gate, and so poorly clean, that that are routinely filthily with disgusting bathrooms, dirty seats, random broken stuff, etc... These planes are a joke and United should be ashamed to use them on such long flights.
I'm a flight attendant and I have to deadhead from Peoria to Chicago for work and I always fly this type of aircraft to Chicago. The ride to Chicago is only about 30 minutes so this size plane is great for the short ride. The plane is also normally not full at the time that I ride so that makes it even better. The exit row is the best for leg room. The seats in front of the exit row don't recline far because they don't want them to block the exit row. Infants/lap children have to sit at rows 3,7,11,21, and 24 because the extra oxygen masks are only at those seats so if you're trying to avoid crying babies don't sit at these rows. The front of the aircraft is always cooler than the rest of the cabin so if you get cold easily then you definitely need to sit toward the back. You will have to gate check your carry-ons because the overhead space is limited so don't even try to put your bags that have wheels into the overhead bin. I watched a man try to stuff is large bag into the overhead bin and he broke it so no one could use that overhead bin.
Note that row 19 is equipped with infant oxygen masks/life vests and therefore children were placed from elsewhere on the place to behind the exit row (18)...