Схема салона de Havilland Dash 8-300 (DH3) Qantas
de Havilland Dash 8-300 (DH3) авиакомпании Qantas с 50 сиденьями на борту. С помощью наглядной схемы салона и отзывов пассажиров вы узнаете где находятся лучшие места, а какие стоит избегать.

Характеристики салона
Класс | Шаг | Ширина | Ряд | Кол-во |
Эконом Стандартное сиденье | 31-32 | 17 | 1-12 | 50 |
Bit loud from engines
Prefer last two back rows for less corridor traffic, but if you get in the cabin door early enough you'll avoid it. Window seats are good for leaning against the wall to have extra elbow room. No matter which window row you sit, you'll always be able to view below. There is slightly more knee and thigh room in the 300 compared to the 400, in my opinion.
Despite the close proximity to the prop this seat was a lot quieter than I expected It would be a first glance. The engine and prop have very little effect on the view out the window and while the seat was not the most comfortable ever I would not be concerned about flying in this seat on this aircraft again. Overall recommendable though there probably are better seats on the plane.