Mapa de asientos de Havilland Dash 8-100 Air Canada
Avión de Havilland Dash 8-100 Air Canada con 37 asientos a bordo. Usa el mapa de asientos para encontrar cuáles son más cómodos y cuáles deberías evitar.

Detalles del asiento
Clase | Inclinación | Anchura | Fila | Asientos |
Económica Asiento estándar | 31 | 17 | 1-9 | 37 |
AC is getting rid of these planes, they are old, noisy, dirty. 1DF and row 4 are the best on this plane. 1DF have good leg room, no seat tray.
Labelled a Preferred Seat because it has more leg room, which is true, but it does not have a tray table.
This is a BAD seat because of the little wall in front of you, so unless you're small, you want to sit somewhere else. The Toronto-Hartford run takes 2 hours, and by the end of it, I was getting serious leg cramps.
There is a half wall between 1A and the exit door, which severely restricts leg room to the point that my knees almost touch the wall (I'm 6'2"). On a short ~90 min flight, it was almost unbearable by the end. This seat should be marked as a "bad seat". You have no tray table, only a small cup holder. Since you're in the first row you also can't have any hand luggage during take off/landing.
when you book 9C you think you are getting an aisle seat but row 9 and 10 are all one row. There are 5 people crammed in one row. I had somebodys head on my shoulder as they kept falling asleep. the flight was 90 minutes long.
The Dashes are loud, which makes it seem like youre in the air longer than you are. There is no table tray for seat 1A (or any row 1 for that matter) however there is a cup holder. There didnt seem to be any restricted legroom (I'm 6'2). It was nice to be the first off the plane, and sky check had my bag the moment I walked down the stairs. These planes are good for shot haul but 48 minutes in the air is pushing the limits for comfort.
I wouldn't call 10C a good seat either. Mixed, maybe. There's legroom, but you are crammed between other people who all have to climb over you to get out of the row. The worst part for me is that with no seat in front of you, you get no under-seat storage nor a seat-back pocket, so there is nowhere to put anything. You also don't get a tray table so when they served my beverage the person next to me let me set it on hers.
Seqt 10C is hardly what I would call a good seat. You are squished in the middle of five seats. It would be fine if you were tall and skinny. I am neither, and my feet didn't quite touch the floor. I couldn't put anything in front of me to use a a footrest because the aisles have to be clear. It would have been a tortuous flight had a regular seat not opened up at the last minute.
My favourite flight in the entire world is the 22 minute flight from Vancouver to Victoria. You skim over the islands of the Strait of Georgia. Best seat in the house, in my opinion, is 1C. It's the only one with any appreciable legroom, as the door blocks 1A. You will have to pull your feet in for take off and landing as you will be staring straight into the face of the F/A. No time for any meal service on this short flight -- but they do offer a candy before landing.